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Sodium chloride in a sentence

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Sentence count:96+1Posted:2017-11-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: chloridehydrochloridetetrachloridecarbon tetrachloridesodium hydroxidesodiumchlorinehydrochloric acidMeaning: n. a white crystalline solid consisting mainly of sodium chloride (NaCl). 
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61. Objective:To establish a method for testing bacterial endotoxin of Lentinan and Sodium Chloride Injection.
62. And you will form a crystal of sodium chloride as a result of this need to form crystal expressed through the Coulomb's Law.
63. In 7.5 % sodium chloride enrichment medium , staphylococcus anurans rules and separates above - mentioned plat grow.
64. Overweight of sodium chloride in the sea sand will have a certain effect on the quality of the concrete in the building project.
65. Dyestuff, pesticide, silicic acid, glycerin, white, carbon black, sodium chloride, calcium carbonate, assistant, etc.
66. Conclusion: The method is accurate, believable and suitable for testing Ranitidine in Sodium Chloride Injection.
67. Addition of 2.5% sodium chloride and amidated low methoxyl (ALM) pectin or 2% sodium chloride, 1% sodium caseinate improved water holding capacity and mechanical properties of products.
68. The sodium bicarbonate is not the as sodium chloride ( cooking salt ).
69. The solubilizing effect and the influence on the viscosity of several solubilizers on the liquid detergents were studied. And the adjustment of the viscosity with sodium chloride was discussed.
70. A sterile solution of sodium chloride that is isotonic to body fluids, used to maintain living tissue temporarily and as a solvent for parenterally administered drugs.
71. The composite stabilizing agent is prepared from the raw materials including sucrose, sodium chloride, potassium sorbate and sodium hyposulfite by blending and stirring.
72. From the point of view of customers′requirement, the author discusses the commonality of potassium ferrocyanide and advocates to apply diversified anti-caking agents in sodium chloride products.
73. Objective To evaluate the effic ac y of human serum albumin combined with hypertonic sodium chloride in sequential treatment of ascites due to cirrhosis associated with hypotonic encephalopathy.
74. METHODS Sodium tetraphenylboron gravimetric analysis was replaced by highly-accurate nephelometric titrimetry to determine potassium chloride in Compound sodium chloride injection.
75. OBJECTIVE To prepare hypertonic sodium chloride dextran 70 injection and establish its standard for quality control.
76. The compatibility of ceftriaxone sodium with composite sodium chloride injection should be avoided in clinic.
77. Methods: Add sodium chloride injection to the germ layer medium.
78. RESULTS Hypertonic sodium chloride dextran 70 injection did not interfere the congregating reactivity of tachypleus amebocyte lysate.
79. Aim To study the preparative process of levocarnitine and sodium chloride injection.
80. Both techniques needed sufficient oxidizing atmosphere. When roasting with sodium chloride[sentence dictionary], it was by no means the more oxygen the better.
81. Objective To establish a HPLC method for the determination of diisopropylamine dichloroacetate in Compound Diisopropylamine Dichloroacetate and Sodium Chloride Injection.
82. Aim To study the preparative process of sodium ferulate and sodium chloride injection.
83. The invention relates to a method for preparing boric acid in boracic sodium chloride and potassium chloride saturated bittern solution containing boron.
84. One group used metronidazole towound. the other used sodium chloride injection two times per day.
85. In the third step the optional concentration of glucose and sodium chloride was determined by a central composite design and response surface analysis.
86. Incompact sodium chloride crystals that anti - caking better at high humidity level were obtained in experiments.
87. The test is not valid unless, in the chromatogram obtained with solution (1), the resolution factor between the peaks corresponding to sodium chloride and trichloroammineplatinate is at least 2.0.
88. Objective To evaluate the stability of ornidazole for injection compatible with gatifloxacin and sodium chloride injection.
89. OBJECTIVE To study the stability of hypertonic sodium chloride dextran 70 injection.
90. The reference 197F in a monograph signifies that the substance under examination is suspended neat between suitable (for example, sodium chloride or potassium bromide) plates.
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